The Friend and Foe Update


Stellar Commanders Major Update 5


Welcome commanders. The next big phase of the Stellar Commanders saga is here and with it our biggest update ever! With this major update we introduce two big new features and add another big batch of new content to the game.

Fight your best friend/foe in the Friends Assembly mode

In the “Friends Assembly” mode you play with each other as friends to unlock new content together, but you also have to fight as foes to find out once and for all who is the RTS-mastermind of you two. Each player selects one out of three units to unlock and will get rewards for every game played against their friends until the selected unit is unlocked. To connect for a match, you only need to share the matchmaking code with the second player. On Apple devices, you can send the invite directly to a friend via your preferred messaging service by using the iOS sharing functionality. Never has it been easier to engage in an epic rocket battle with your best friend than now.

You can also join our Discord and easily share your code there with other players!

More of a lone wolf? Discover the Explorer’s Path

Your buddies aren’t available at the moment? You actually would prefer to play a bit of Stellar Commanders by yourself? No problem because now for the first time you can experience Stellar Commanders as a single-player game as well. “The Explorer’s Path” lets you experience a story for each of the three factions who are on the way to two new planets. 

You can play through seven hand-crafted daily missions per faction and some of them change the rules and offer new challenges even for veteran players. Ever played without any rockets at all? Or had to defend your capital against an onslaught of missiles? The two new planets with their high amount of Iridium will be the final challenges, featuring increased resource production and high-speed decision-making.

The Stellar Commanders universe is expanding

This update adds six new units that lets you deploy new strategies to surprise their opponents. These are only unlockable through the new game modes. Six more units means you have now a range of 60 playable units to choose from! Just think of all the possible decks you can build with the whole collection of units.

We also have new skin designs to aesthetically spice up your armada of units. They are either unlocked through the two new modes or you can get them through the daily rotation on the Tantalus black market.

But the biggest additions are the TWO new maps to wage war on: Grindill and Forseti!

Grindill is a swamp planet whose waters are glowing with Iridium, displaying a one tile path between the capitals and lots of small ways to defend this path. But be careful, on the backside you have four possible paths that are always in danger to be destroyed by the opponent.

Forseti is an alien tech-planet that’s half broken, displaying its Iridium contents. It provides a huge playing field that has easy access, but also a small island where players have additional starting points for additional strategies.


Improvements on all levels

We redesigned the user interface in the main menu and gave the WAR ROOM a new look to give you a better overview of all the new modes. Now you can select the regular and new modes through the “Mode Selection” button. And in the new SOCIAL HUB you find all the links to our social media channels, including our Discord where you can connect with other commanders.

friend and foe menu screens.png

Additionally, the update includes various technical improvements, like the implementation of native support for Apple Silicon. This makes the game ready for the next generation of devices with the Apple M1 chip.

Time to conquer the stars and destroy some friendships…

We hope you enjoy these new game modes and the brand-new content. Please tell us what you think about the new features on our Discord or tell us on social media. You can find us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Now go and challenge your friends in planetary warfare! Till then, Stellar Commanders!